Energy and magnetization inconsistencies in OUTCAR and OSZICAR

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Energy and magnetization inconsistencies in OUTCAR and OSZICAR

#1 Post by hideo.ando » Wed Jul 10, 2024 3:30 pm

I am new to VASP and this is my first post. I performed an electronic minimization of a metallic porous carbon with ISPIN = 2.

Here are several lines taken from OSZICAR, indicating that the job exited the loop at the 42th step. My question is why the last line includes d E =-.371869E-01, which is different from -0.15173E-04 at the 42th step. I thought that the 42th step was the very last one, so that any dE different from -0.15173E-04 cannot be defined.

Code: Select all

       N       E                     dE             d eps       ncg     rms          rms(c)
DAV:   1     0.708839255644E+04    0.70884E+04   -0.30067E+05 11520   0.141E+03
DAV:   2    -0.400524759397E+03   -0.74889E+04   -0.71332E+04 15952   0.311E+02
DAV:  41    -0.165787278097E+04    0.67818E-03   -0.31609E-05  6856   0.345E-03    0.212E-02
DAV:  42    -0.165787279614E+04   -0.15173E-04   -0.34222E-06  6800   0.161E-03
   1 F= -.16578728E+04 E0= -.16578604E+04  d E =-.371869E-01  mag=    -0.0006
In addition, the final mag= -0.0006 in OSZICAR is different from the magnetization in the 42th step info in OUTCAR as follows:

Code: Select all

 number of electron     721.0000079 magnetization      -0.0003431
 augmentation part       17.1925616 magnetization       0.0000460
I understand that the sum of the local magnetic moments in OUTCAR is not equal to the "mag=" value in OSZICAR (after reading some previous posts).

My point is I cannot find any details corresponding to the very last line of OSZICAR in OUTCAR. Was an additional calculation, not explicitly printed in OUTCAR, performed after the 42th step? Or do I miss anything critical?

Thank you very much in advance.

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Re: Energy and magnetization inconsistencies in OUTCAR and OSZICAR

#2 Post by alexey.tal » Thu Jul 11, 2024 7:37 am

Dear hideo.ando,

Could you please provide all relevant input and output files for your calculation according to the forum guidelines.

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Re: Energy and magnetization inconsistencies in OUTCAR and OSZICAR

#3 Post by hideo.ando » Thu Jul 11, 2024 10:31 pm

Dear alexey.tal,

Thank you very much for your reply. Attached are the input/output files of out test calculation of Fcc Ni. All the input files were taken from

Although it is not our specific target system, we can see the same issues.

In OSZICAR, d E is neither zero, nor -0.44760E-05.

Code: Select all

       N       E                     dE             d eps       ncg     rms          rms(c)
DAV:   1    -0.355243797268E+00   -0.35524E+00   -0.34338E+03  2916   0.630E+02
DAV:   2    -0.646163908602E+01   -0.61064E+01   -0.59012E+01  3168   0.570E+01
DAV:  10    -0.546381518704E+01    0.55807E-03   -0.73801E-04  2472   0.156E-01    0.422E-02
DAV:  11    -0.546381966300E+01   -0.44760E-05   -0.81835E-06  1392   0.235E-02
   1 F= -.54638197E+01 E0= -.54629591E+01  d E =-.258164E-02  mag=     0.5731
In addition, mag is 0.5731, which is not the same as the magnetization in OUTCAR, 0.5750032:

Code: Select all

--------------------------------------- Iteration      1(  11)  ---------------------------------------
    POTLOK:  cpu time      0.0017: real time      0.0017
    SETDIJ:  cpu time      0.0035: real time      0.0035
     EDDAV:  cpu time      0.0489: real time      0.0489
       DOS:  cpu time      0.0008: real time      0.0008
      LOOP:  cpu time      0.0548: real time      0.0548

 eigenvalue-minimisations  :  1392
 total energy-change (2. order) :-0.4475965E-05  (-0.8183482E-06)
 number of electron       9.9999908 magnetization       0.5750032
 augmentation part        6.1646978 magnetization       0.5567214

 Free energy of the ion-electron system (eV)
  alpha Z        PSCENC =        46.37681830
  Ewald energy   TEWEN  =      -935.14218197
  -Hartree energ DENC   =      -225.97371311
  -exchange      EXHF   =         0.00000000
  -V(xc)+E(xc)   XCENC  =        30.67478343
  PAW double counting   =      1132.84817068    -1201.29580495
  entropy T*S    EENTRO =        -0.00258164
  eigenvalues    EBANDS =        69.41461493
  atomic energy  EATOM  =      1077.63607467
  Solvation  Ediel_sol  =         0.00000000
  free energy    TOTEN  =        -5.46381966 eV

  energy without entropy =       -5.46123802  energy(sigma->0) =       -5.46295912
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Re: Energy and magnetization inconsistencies in OUTCAR and OSZICAR

#4 Post by alexey.tal » Fri Jul 12, 2024 5:36 pm

In OSZICAR, d E is neither zero, nor -0.44760E-05.
In the last line VASP prints the total free energy F, the energy for σ->0 E0 and dE is the entropy multiplied by σ (see OSZICAR). If you use smaller SIMGA the dE should also decrease proportionally.

In addition, mag is 0.5731, which is not the same as the magnetization in OUTCAR, 0.5750032:
After the SCF iterations are converged, VASP recalculates the charge density from the wave functions, hence the density might slightly differ from the last iteration. If you use a more stringent convergence criterion (EDIFF=1E-9) the difference should decrease.

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Re: Energy and magnetization inconsistencies in OUTCAR and OSZICAR

#5 Post by hideo.ando » Fri Jul 12, 2024 9:20 pm

Dear alexey.tal,

Thank you very much for your prompt reply.
In the last line VASP prints the total free energy F, the energy for σ->0 E0 and dE is the entropy multiplied by σ (see OSZICAR).
I got it. In OSZICAR, the definitions of "dE" of every iteration step (free energy difference) and "d E" in the last line (T*S) are different. Thus, "d E =-.258164E-02" in the last line of OSZICAR is the same as "entropy T*S EENTRO = -0.00258164" in OUTCAR.
After the SCF iterations are converged, VASP recalculates the charge density from the wave functions, hence the density might slightly differ from the last iteration.
So, the "mag= 0.5731" in OSZICAR (not "magnetization 0.5750032" in OUTCAR) is the very last one, obtained in the recalculation you mentioned?

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Re: Energy and magnetization inconsistencies in OUTCAR and OSZICAR

#6 Post by alexey.tal » Mon Jul 15, 2024 8:22 am

So, the "mag= 0.5731" in OSZICAR (not "magnetization 0.5750032" in OUTCAR) is the very last one, obtained in the recalculation you mentioned?
Yes, exactly.
