Dear VASP Team,
I have encountered a bug while calculating the absorption spectra for hexagonal BN.
The system is based on a 6x6x1 supercell (POSCAR attached), on top of which I am calculating a k-point mesh grid.
The issue:
• I am using the HSE06 functional.
• I am performing a TDDFT calculation using the WAVECAR and WAVEDER files from a previous VASP job (that calculates the unoccupied states of the system) - INCAR attached.
• The previous job, which calculates the unoccupied states, runs successfully.
• The calculation fails when I use a 2x2x1 Monkhorst-Pack grid in the KPOINTS file.
• However, when I run the same calculation with a 3x3x1 Monkhorst-Pack grid, the error does not occur.
The calculation fails with the following error message:
VASP Version and Environment:
• I am using VASP version 6.4.3 on Rocky Linux.
• My setup includes a Xeon 6338 node with 128 threads and 512 GB RAM
• For this specific job I am using 23 threads and a RAM of 224280M.
Files for Reproducibility:
Please find attached a minimal set of input files and relevant outputs.