Dear VASP team,
I would like to calculate the effect of an external electric field to the total energy and forces on an insulator. I have a bulk system, so I am using the EFIELD_PEAD tag.
According to this post, this should be possible and I should get the forces with the contribution of the external electric field (
However, comparing the results with a calculation without an external electric field, I can see that the external field affects the total energy as it should, but the forces (the ones printed after TOTAL-FORCE in OUTCAR) are unchanged. I also tried -without effect on the forces- to turn on the LCALCEPS flag, because in the LCALCEPS vasp wiki it is stated that: "In this case, the "response" of the system is the change in the polarization P, the Hellmann-Feynman forces F, and the stress tensor σ."
Is there a way to obtain the total atomic forces including the external field contribution using EFIELD_PEAD? Any help is greatly appreciated.
I am using vasp 6.4.3.