Dear Frenece,
Thank you for your reply!
I am trying to perform some mechanical testing and fracture analysis on a relatively large supercell of the material.
If I am not mistaken, I thought memory allocation would primarily depend on the `ML_MB` parameter. Is that correct? If `ML_MB` is indeed the dominant factor, I was considering allocating more memory to atoms with rapidly changing environments, like H and I, rather than slower ones like Pb. My goal, let's say, is to fully utilize the 1TB memory available while having the flexibility to decide how it is distributed across species. I hope this makes sense.
On another note, I am a little bit concerned about the effect of long-range interactions. As I understand, these interactions may not be directly captured in the MLFF. Do you have any advice on this, particularly during stretching, fracturing, or separating the material? My worry is that once the material separates, the separated parts might not remain neutrally charged, potentially amplifying the impact of long-range interactions.
I really appreciate your thoughts and suggestions on these points!