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Inquiry About POTCAR Selection for Regular GGA Functional Calculations
Posted: Thu Dec 19, 2024 12:16 pm
by fei_shuang
I have a few questions regarding the usage of POTCAR files with and without kinetic-energy density information. For calculations using a regular GGA functional (excluding meta-GGA functionals), which version of the POTCAR is recommended?
In particular, I observed that for BCC Fe, the energies obtained from these two POTCAR versions differ by approximately 60 meV/atom. I also noticed that some researchers use POTCARs with kinetic-energy density information, while others do not. Since I am working on machine learning potential development, ensuring consistent energy values is crucial for my project.
Thank you for your time and assistance. I look forward to your guidance on this matter.
Re: Inquiry About POTCAR Selection for Regular GGA Functional Calculations
Posted: Fri Dec 20, 2024 10:20 am
by andreas.singraber
Let me start with the most important point which you already mentioned... however, I would like to stress this once again: It is essential for machine learning force fields that the potential energy landscape is consistent throughout the entire data set. Hence, for a given atom type you should never use two or more different POTCAR files when creating training data.
Regarding the choice of POTCAR files I would ask you to have a closer look into our recently updated Wiki pages on this topic. There is a overview of available pseudopotentials here:
and guidelines how to select between the POTCAR variants here:
Since you mentioned using regular GGA functionals I would without further insight recommend to use the Fe (8 valence electrons, 3d74s1, ENMAX = 267.882eV) from the "Standard PBE potentials (potpaw.64)" list.
Best regards,
Andreas Singraber