Issue with MD simulation: NaN values and RSPHER internal ERROR
Dear VASP team and forum members,
I am encountering an issue when trying to run a molecular dynamics (MD) simulation with my system. The electronic structure of the initial configuration converges properly, and I am using the associated WAVECAR for restarting.
However, after starting the MD, the calculation fails with NaN values in the output:
running 448 mpi-ranks, on 4 nodes
distrk: each k-point on 448 cores, 1 groups
distr: one band on 28 cores, 16 groups
vasp.6.4.2 20Jul23 (build Apr 19 2024 10:32:06) complex
POSCAR found type information on POSCAR CeO NiC H
POSCAR found : 5 types and 74 ions
Reading from existing POTCAR
scaLAPACK will be used
Reading from existing POTCAR
LDA part: xc-table for Pade appr. of Perdew
found WAVECAR, reading the header
number of bands has changed, file: 384 present: 352
trying to continue reading WAVECAR, but it might fail
POSCAR, INCAR and KPOINTS ok, starting setup
FFT: planning ... GRIDC
FFT: planning ... GRID_SOFT
FFT: planning ... GRID
reading WAVECAR
the WAVECAR file was read successfully
initial charge from wavefunction
prediction of wavefunctions initialized - no I/O
entering main loop
N E dE d eps ncg rms rms(c)
DAV: 1 -0.527568627644E+03 -0.52757E+03 -0.81138E+02 8032 0.609E+01
DAV: 2 -0.540560574349E+03 -0.12992E+02 -0.12975E+02 8496 0.216E+01 0.426E+00
RMM: 3 -0.541024279373E+03 -0.46371E+00 -0.51897E+00 6952 0.622E+00 0.400E+00
RMM: 4 -0.541319483494E+03 -0.29520E+00 -0.32932E+00 8298 0.232E+00 0.382E+00
RMM: 5 -0.541398151909E+03 -0.78668E-01 -0.85378E-01 8734 0.108E+00 0.354E+00
RMM: 6 -0.541419207433E+03 -0.21056E-01 -0.28110E-01 8848 0.636E-01 0.281E+00
RMM: 7 -0.541431974964E+03 -0.12768E-01 -0.17055E-01 8361 0.635E-01 0.113E+00
RMM: 8 -0.541438457288E+03 -0.64823E-02 -0.68590E-02 8766 0.311E-01 0.816E-01
RMM: 9 -0.541432934412E+03 0.55229E-02 -0.26985E-02 8210 0.244E-01 0.453E-01
RMM: 10 -0.541432346220E+03 0.58819E-03 -0.34306E-02 8602 0.255E-01 0.251E-01
RMM: 11 -0.541432482007E+03 -0.13579E-03 -0.45541E-03 8338 0.100E-01 0.213E-01
RMM: 12 -0.541432104582E+03 0.37743E-03 -0.21683E-03 7979 0.777E-02 0.143E-01
RMM: 13 -0.541432004552E+03 0.10003E-03 -0.34869E-03 8616 0.831E-02 0.855E-02
RMM: 14 -0.541432040614E+03 -0.36063E-04 -0.71923E-04 8264 0.379E-02 0.736E-02
RMM: 15 -0.541432044817E+03 -0.42031E-05 -0.39131E-04 8134 0.305E-02 0.545E-02
RMM: 16 -0.541432055486E+03 -0.10669E-04 -0.27745E-04 8119 0.252E-02 0.385E-02
RMM: 17 -0.541432069575E+03 -0.14088E-04 -0.10809E-04 6630 0.162E-02 0.352E-02
RMM: 18 -0.541432071658E+03 -0.20838E-05 -0.81830E-05 7320 0.199E-02 0.208E-02
RMM: 19 -0.541432079161E+03 -0.75029E-05 -0.37040E-05 6119 0.854E-03 0.177E-02
RMM: 20 -0.541432080762E+03 -0.16008E-05 -0.12172E-05 4571 0.745E-03 0.161E-02
RMM: 21 -0.541432083454E+03 -0.26915E-05 -0.94331E-06 4637 0.631E-03 0.137E-02
RMM: 22 -0.541432084720E+03 -0.12662E-05 -0.56463E-06 3932 0.564E-03 0.117E-02
RMM: 23 -0.541432085388E+03 -0.66843E-06 -0.36501E-06 3666 0.539E-03
1 T= NaN E= NaN F= -.54772306E+03 E0= -.54772262E+03 EK= NaN SP= 0.00E+00 SK= 0.00E+00 mag= 4.000
bond charge predicted
and the following error message in the stderr file:
I have tested the same setup with VASP 5.4.4 and encountered the same issue.
Below are the input files (INCAR, KPOINTS, and POSCAR) I am using:
SYSTEM = 3CO2gas + 3H2gas + Ni6/CeO2-x
Start parameter for this run:
ISTART = 1 ! start job from scratch (see INIWAV)
Electronic relaxation:
ENCUT = 415.0 ! Cutoff energy for plane waves basis set in eV
NELMIN = 8 ! Minimum number of eletronic selfconsistency (SC) steps
NELM = 1000 ! Maximum number of electronic SC steps
NELMDL = 2 ! Number of NON-SCF steps (SHOULD be NEGATIVE)
EDIFF = 1E-6 ! Global-break condition for the electronic SC-loop (ELM)
#IMIX = 1
AMIX = 0.050
BMIX = 0.0001
AMIX_MAG = 0.20
BMIX_MAG = 0.0001
Calculation mode:
PREC = Medium ! Calculation level (Changes FFT-grids)
ISPIN = 2 ! spin-polarized calculations
MAGMOM = -1 0 -1 1 0 -1 68*0
##NUPDOWN = 16
LMAXMIX = 6 ! PAW flag
LASPH = .TRUE. ! PAW flag
ISYM = 0
###POMASS = 196.966 196.966 196.966 196.966
#PBE+U calculation:
LDAUL = 3 -1 -1 -1 -1
LDAUU = 4.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
LDAUJ = 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Integration over the Brillouin zone (BZ):
ISMEAR = 0 ! Gaussian smearing
SIGMA = 0.05
Ionic relaxation:
NSW = 1000 ! Number of ionic steps
EDIFFG = -0.01 ! stop if all forces are smaller than |EDIFFG|
##IWAVPR = 11
ISIF = 2 ! Calculate FORCE and Relax Ions
POTIM = 0.2
TEBEG = 673
TEEND = 673
LREAL = Auto
LREAL = Auto
Van der Waals Correction
DOS calculation:
LORBIT = 11 ! Calculate the DOS without providing the Wigner Seitz radius
NEDOS = 3001 ! Number of points to calculate the DOS
NWRITE = 2 ! Determines how much information will be written in OUTCAR
Key for parallel mode calculation:
NPAR = 16 ! Con 64 proc NPAR = 8 con 32 NPAR = 4
3H2gas + 3CO2gas + Ni/CeO2-x
11.6354420844246391 0.0000000000000000 0.0000000000000000
5.8177210422123204 10.0765884293742989 0.0000000000000000
0.0000000000000000 0.0000000000000000 34.7501493397576482
Ce O Ni C H
18 41 6 3 6
Selective dynamics
0.2191390473919385 0.2228710803232625 0.5479490009294556 T T T
0.2149807945088874 0.8918754632515161 0.5437044433922749 T T T
0.5478194797553833 0.5626130831703398 0.5424129704400478 T T T
0.8871510166761172 0.8888394106711714 0.5468054966121294 T T T
0.2133422057283126 0.5606597796296057 0.5435153126185500 T T T
0.5493099911413073 0.2142756384282381 0.5451368502405007 T T T
0.5617574329604071 0.8889869346736535 0.5445451457467417 T T T
0.9073521932796682 0.2146730543854734 0.5427189041372231 T T T
0.8949035733324675 0.5516094473651856 0.5446644684521683 T T T
0.1111111111111143 0.1111111111111143 0.4544352141404744 F F F
0.1111111111111142 0.4444444444444430 0.4544352141404744 F F F
0.1111111111111142 0.7777777777777789 0.4544352141404744 F F F
0.4444444444444429 0.1111111111111143 0.4544352141404744 F F F
0.4444444444444430 0.4444444444444430 0.4544352141404744 F F F
0.4444444444444428 0.7777777777777789 0.4544352141404744 F F F
0.7777777777779312 0.1111111111111143 0.4544352141404744 F F F
0.7777777777777785 0.4444444444444430 0.4544352141404744 F F F
0.7777777777777790 0.7777777777777789 0.4544352141404744 F F F
0.1163432527811895 0.1092323999285409 0.5209238024368454 T T T
0.0107136591323814 0.0059314095953497 0.5684224476788432 T T T
0.1163127105192256 0.4418767193256078 0.5218345647160829 T T T
0.9920509903182404 0.3364868517133157 0.5687139815121348 T T T
0.1133486308680512 0.7771942095812573 0.5201099624493960 T T T
0.0030755305743033 0.6546489438314633 0.5677562721769261 T T T
0.4399790184562261 0.1079458918499596 0.5227300873047394 T T T
0.3340332721995817 0.9884597964867887 0.5787811611327114 T T T
0.4412794957883194 0.4468080846330322 0.5214481627894423 T T T
0.3407875851902922 0.3668421047916488 0.5831080252375184 T T T
0.4427041606502383 0.7827393498120899 0.5221620021099215 T T T
0.3025381996542723 0.6835434955777521 0.5711272244242914 T T T
0.7728137693528538 0.1333391796913031 0.5264819518324440 T T T
0.6592152208463989 0.9890744167035229 0.5694492302064498 T T T
0.7751499387544799 0.4374282677467013 0.5233421701045757 T T T
0.7743584589077404 0.7704213991198059 0.5208389048143924 T T T
0.6832723856388281 0.6645958539656868 0.5759035759473404 T T T
0.0000000000000000 0.0000000000000000 0.4316528212107116 F F F
0.2222222222222215 0.2222222222222215 0.4772176070702372 F F F
0.0000000000000000 0.3333333333333358 0.4316528212107116 F F F
0.2222222222222214 0.5555555555555571 0.4772176070702372 F F F
0.0000000000000001 0.6666666666666643 0.4316528212107116 F F F
0.2222222222222214 0.8888888888888860 0.4772176070702372 F F F
0.3333333333333357 0.0000000000000000 0.4316528212107116 F F F
0.5555555555555574 0.2222222222222215 0.4772176070702372 F F F
0.3333333333333358 0.3333333333333358 0.4316528212107116 F F F
0.5555555555555571 0.5555555555555571 0.4772176070702372 F F F
0.3333333333333358 0.6666666666666643 0.4316528212107116 F F F
0.5555555555555569 0.8888888888888860 0.4772176070702372 F F F
0.6666666666666643 0.0000000000000000 0.4316528212107116 F F F
0.8888888888888860 0.2222222222222215 0.4772176070702372 F F F
0.6666666666666645 0.3333333333333358 0.4316528212107116 F F F
0.8888888888888860 0.5555555555555571 0.4772176070702372 F F F
0.6666666666666643 0.6666666666666643 0.4316528212107116 F F F
0.8888888888888860 0.8888888888888860 0.4772176070702372 F F F
0.1963120914471914 0.1703801938053585 0.6969126533235664 T T T
0.2282747240054286 0.2204271800449094 0.7602608639101541 T T T
0.4165659357318789 0.2871733535969459 0.7111129456021584 T T T
0.4775716951737509 0.3616224510166779 0.7662445048296983 T T T
0.6691021347852700 0.7408312474917801 0.7141143358024524 T T T
0.7436039552370448 0.7372094494107113 0.7773253219651441 T T T
0.3835544967821862 0.6647638056934020 0.6170319445243532 T T T
0.5862345041047526 0.6687285005875524 0.6170386374096167 T T T
0.5568812579397444 0.4918118530992673 0.6457161524512481 T T T
0.4581768396823742 0.7159344964920203 0.6712460178580603 T T T
0.3886225752606999 0.8680356694383907 0.6178325374506661 T T T
0.4210736779097204 0.4349286336182080 0.6137044421963530 T T T
0.2125104551865216 0.1956002951642214 0.7285083408463139 T T T
0.4469452096289631 0.3245088442696472 0.7386998153632406 T T T
0.7065952432441286 0.7391379097024512 0.7457360626161043 T T T
0.6820670268862918 0.0177587092843125 0.7151715447816740 T T T
0.7146753191473184 0.0118660871593893 0.7343283524421732 T T T
0.6336282455112405 0.5331770918557321 0.8058532566416431 T T T
0.5977320827749892 0.5198141918269596 0.8216154382248393 T T T
0.2102438537161850 0.7874396099048281 0.6954176242604335 T T T
0.1742724578459843 0.8011571973999519 0.7144873579379518 T T T
Automatic mesh
2 2 1
0. 0. 0.
Any insights into what might be causing this issue or how to resolve it would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you for your time and support.
Best regards,