Stopping ionic relaxation

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Stopping ionic relaxation

#1 Post by dholec » Sat Aug 13, 2016 10:30 am

Dear all,

I am running a standard ionic relaxation with energy criterion set to EDIFFG=0.0001:

EDIFFG = 0.1E-03 stopping-criterion for IOM

However, the calculation runs only 3 steps, after which the energy is far from being converged:

grep "free e" OUTCAR
free energy TOTEN = -164.41539396 eV
free energy TOTEN = -164.64088673 eV
free energy TOTEN = -164.73168408 eV

From my OUTCAR I see:

free energy TOTEN = -164.73168408 eV

energy without entropy= -164.74664595 energy(sigma->0) = -164.73667137

d Force = 0.1076427E+00[ 0.947E-02, 0.206E+00] d Energy = 0.9079735E-01 0.168E-01
d Force = 0.3889362E+02[ 0.376E+02, 0.401E+02] d Ewald = 0.3885351E+02 0.401E-01


POTLOK: cpu time 0.5709: real time 0.5706



reached required accuracy - stopping structural energy minimisation

However, I don't think it reached the required accuracy. Why is it stopping?

Thanks for any hints,

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Re: Stopping ionic relaxation

#2 Post by alex » Tue Aug 16, 2016 8:41 am

Hi dholec,

please check the forces section in your OUTCAR. Maybe you'll get more hints from there.



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Re: Stopping ionic relaxation

#3 Post by dholec » Wed Aug 17, 2016 9:11 am

Hi Alex,

Thanks for your reply.

Firstly, I don't think the forces should matter since I am using the energy criterion for convergence (EDIFFG = 0.1E-03).

However, checking the forces after the last ionic step (after which VASP ends saying that the convergence was reached) is:

FORCES acting on ions
electron-ion (+dipol) ewald-force non-local-force convergence-correction
0.327E+02 0.579E+01 0.698E+01 -.355E+02 -.530E+01 -.697E+01 0.279E+01 -.494E+00 -.659E-02 -.133E-04 0.127E-04 -.141E-04
0.207E+02 0.245E+02 0.643E+01 -.216E+02 -.271E+02 -.642E+01 0.967E+00 0.267E+01 -.677E-02 0.198E-04 0.355E-05 0.158E-04
-.116E+02 -.275E+02 0.948E+01 0.135E+02 0.297E+02 -.948E+01 -.183E+01 -.216E+01 -.161E-02 0.671E-04 -.917E-04 -.156E-03
-.298E+02 0.473E+01 0.134E+02 0.325E+02 -.423E+01 -.135E+02 -.278E+01 -.500E+00 0.450E-02 -.927E-04 0.923E-04 -.421E-03
0.803E+00 -.930E+00 0.703E+01 -.804E+00 0.930E+00 -.702E+01 0.301E-02 -.638E-03 -.821E-02 -.117E-04 0.210E-04 -.135E-04
0.977E+01 -.299E+02 0.657E+01 -.116E+02 0.321E+02 -.656E+01 0.182E+01 -.217E+01 -.625E-02 -.219E-05 -.704E-05 0.141E-04
-.299E+01 -.584E+00 0.955E+01 0.301E+01 0.593E+00 -.955E+01 -.101E-01 -.617E-03 -.551E-02 0.916E-04 -.960E-05 -.156E-03
-.215E+02 0.220E+02 0.795E+01 0.225E+02 -.247E+02 -.795E+01 -.970E+00 0.266E+01 -.761E-03 -.381E-05 0.611E-04 -.610E-04
0.308E+01 -.263E+02 0.965E+01 -.309E+01 0.292E+02 -.966E+01 0.118E-01 -.293E+01 -.197E-03 -.134E-03 0.363E-04 -.182E-03
-.386E+01 -.304E+01 0.653E+01 0.447E+01 0.339E+01 -.652E+01 -.601E+00 -.347E+00 -.659E-02 -.942E-05 0.128E-04 0.168E-04
-.226E+02 0.153E+02 0.759E+01 0.252E+02 -.168E+02 -.759E+01 -.254E+01 0.147E+01 -.330E-02 0.191E-04 -.841E-04 -.472E-04
-.403E+01 -.817E-01 0.134E+02 0.476E+01 0.484E+00 -.134E+02 -.789E+00 -.443E+00 0.170E-01 0.141E-03 -.605E-04 -.421E-03
0.557E+01 -.552E+01 0.952E+01 -.618E+01 0.588E+01 -.952E+01 0.605E+00 -.355E+00 -.295E-02 -.467E-04 0.113E-03 -.163E-03
-.787E+00 0.618E+01 0.702E+01 0.791E+00 -.689E+01 -.701E+01 -.145E-02 0.695E+00 -.713E-02 0.557E-05 -.246E-04 -.127E-04
0.789E+00 -.941E+00 0.705E+01 -.150E+01 0.135E+01 -.704E+01 0.774E+00 -.447E+00 -.821E-02 0.147E-04 0.244E-05 -.129E-04
-.167E+01 0.824E+00 0.783E+01 0.168E+01 -.165E+01 -.783E+01 -.257E-02 0.894E+00 -.121E-02 0.511E-04 0.411E-04 -.489E-04
0.229E+02 0.127E+02 0.644E+01 -.255E+02 -.142E+02 -.643E+01 0.254E+01 0.146E+01 -.561E-02 -.918E-05 -.628E-05 0.892E-05
0.413E+01 0.378E+01 0.195E+02 -.413E+01 -.378E+01 -.195E+02 0.217E-02 -.198E-02 0.402E-02 -.175E-03 -.160E-03 -.229E-03
-.557E+00 -.325E+00 -.948E+02 0.555E+00 0.325E+00 0.999E+02 -.173E-02 0.154E-02 -.505E+01 0.571E-05 -.651E-06 -.125E-04
-.104E+01 -.562E+00 -.671E+02 0.105E+01 0.558E+00 0.621E+02 -.423E-02 0.122E-02 0.505E+01 0.690E-05 -.803E-07 0.240E-04
0.620E-02 -.501E-03 0.442E-01 -.708E-13 -.449E-13 -.213E-13 -.639E-02 0.687E-03 -.423E-01 -.753E-04 -.485E-04 -.187E-02

6.37425 2.28557 7.50000 -0.001605 0.003845 0.002764
5.16649 4.37748 7.50000 0.003170 -0.005716 0.002449
2.64138 0.00387 7.50000 -0.002386 -0.007224 0.000779
1.32404 2.28557 7.50000 -0.010388 0.006816 -0.024905
-0.00000 4.44461 7.50000 0.001935 -0.000932 0.002003
5.05691 0.00387 7.50000 -0.001562 -0.004567 0.001067
3.84915 2.22230 7.50000 0.008222 0.007166 -0.001796
2.53180 4.37748 7.50000 -0.007159 -0.000781 0.005802
0.00000 1.81776 7.50000 0.004373 -0.003221 0.004509
-1.27171 3.71038 7.50000 -0.001289 -0.000220 0.000382
-2.27492 5.75803 7.50000 -0.000918 0.008563 0.002159
2.58325 1.49144 7.50000 -0.003945 -0.004718 -0.006414
1.27171 3.71038 7.50000 -0.000112 0.002363 0.001993
0.00000 5.91306 7.50000 0.001447 -0.000846 0.003556
5.11504 1.49144 7.50000 0.001009 0.001803 0.001586
3.84914 3.68404 7.50000 0.002813 -0.002675 0.003278
2.27492 5.75803 7.50000 -0.001662 0.000588 -0.000396
0.00000 0.00000 7.50000 0.009675 0.005593 0.011736
1.92457 1.85192 10.93502 -0.005691 0.000163 0.011510
1.92457 1.85192 10.18466 0.004073 -0.005999 -0.022063
total drift: -0.000272 0.000138 0.000023

Again, I think that the forces are far from being converged.

I shall say that I am running a calculation with the Gimme method for vdW interactions (LVDW=True, VASP5.4.1), as I am trying to calculate adsorption various species on graphene.

Any suggestions/comments will be highly appreciated.


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Re: Stopping ionic relaxation

#4 Post by alex » Wed Aug 17, 2016 1:29 pm

Hi David,

you are definitively right about convergence, but your last line tells :'total drift: -0.000272 0.000138 0.000023'. So you are close to your criterion.
I'd suggest you decrease EDIFFG further and set it to a negative value as outlined in the manual:

For weak interactions you'll have only tiny changes in energy (however, not in your case).



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